Model United Nations, also known as MUN, is a type of conference where students can have a hands-on look at international policy. Anatolia College hosts its own MUN conference every year, and this year was yet another success to complement ACMUN’s twelve year history. Twenty-eight schools brought their diverse teams of students to Anatolia College on February 10-12, 2017 to take part in various discussions relating to their respective countries and committees.
The conference’s opening ceremony included speeches from President Vlachos and Ambassador and Anatolia College Trustee Leonidas Evangelidis, who spoke about Brexit and about his experiences as an ambassador.
Anatolia had the honor of hosting schools from Greece, Turkey, Germany, Palestine, Jordan, and the Netherlands. Among 520 participants, 11 committees, and 92 represented countries, there were many international issues to tackle, and each student delegate brought a new perspective. Anatolia students received 9 out of the 31 ‘Best Delegate’ awards along with 7 ‘Honorable Mentions’. Congratulations to all who participated!